I want to get something off my chest today…

And I hope that me sharing allows you to feel that you’re not alone.

Here’s something you probably don’t know but…

It was a really dark time in my life recently when I lost my beloved father. 

The pain was immense and I felt lost, but I also had the responsibility of running my own business.

And to make matters worse, our massage building flooded and it seemed like everything was falling apart. 

(Myself included)

To say this last few months has been hard, is an understatement.

In fact, it’s been one of the most challenging periods of my life.

But over this time I observed closely…

With that said, the support and encouragement of team members, friends and family in my life rallied around me and offered so much of their love. ❤️

They came together to help me get back on my feet and get my business up and running again.

Not only did we fix the flooded rooms…

But more importantly, the team came together and bonded as a solid unit to make everything happen. 

Making our days at work truly brighter.

See, their selflessness and generosity gave me hope and light in the midst of my grief. 

Their presence allowed me to grieve the loss of my dad while also finding stability in my life and business. 

They reminded me that I was not alone and that I had a support system to lean on.

Without their love & support I would have never even had the chance to heal, get up and move forward with my life.

My business would probably never be the same without the team effort that was put in

And now we are doing better than ever, even finding ways to expand our revenue streams to new levels. 

So if you’re struggling right now…

Whether in life or business…or both…

Please know it’s OK to ask for help with my door being open for you. 

And always remember, that the brightest days follow the darkest storms. 🙏🏻